Friday, 9 September 2011


For my research I am going to be looking at the record label 'Dub Police'. If you haven't guessed yet, the genre of music they market is dubstep. The reason I have chose this record label over hundreds of others is because they are a very well established label, and are one of the original labels founded before dubstep hit mainstream success, so the quality of the music of the label is fantastic, and somewhat original (as far as dubstep goes).

Out of every single song released under this label, at this moment I feel that this track truly represents it and what their artists are capable of.

Subscape - Universal by Dub Police

A large portion of people who listen to music from this label are probably teenagers, ranging from around 16+ up to probably 25, with a smaller number of older people who have been involved with the label/genre for a long time and are staying somewhat original with the sub-genre of dubstep that seems to come from the Dub Police. What makes this label different from the others is that it is very well established, and they have a steady flow of quality music and every time you see a new release you can guarantee it to be of an extremely high quality, with a lot of thought put in, unlike some newer dubstep record labels, which seem to just release screechy noises with some drums layered (Play Me, Ultragore etc)

I hope i've highlighted some of the main reasons as to why I have chose to emulate the style, or feel that the Dub Police have managed to create. I will be trying to incorporate these ideas into my blog, and hopefully this music project as a whole - the music itself, the video, the marketing, the release, etc.